Rebecca Maderios
Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness for Children & Adults
Rebecca Maderios
Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness for Children & Adults
Funny Farm Yoga
Children and Adult Yoga
Mindfulness, Meditation and Tapping
Pretzel Kids Yoga Certification
PK Mindfulness Certification
PK Teen and Tweens Certification
Rebecca has been married to her high school sweetheart for 29 years, blessed with 4 children and 3 and growing grandchildren. Rebecca has raised her family in Berkely on a small farm with retired horses.
Since 2018, Rebecca has been practicing yoga and meditation. Her journey began with some surgeries that landed me on the yoga mat for continued physical therapy. Her grandchildren loved spending time on the mat with her so naturally childrens’ yoga was her next step. After a few months outdoors on the farm teaching kids and establishing Funny Farm Yoga, she knew the rough weather was coming and was looking for her new home.
Marc of Healing fell into her lap through a mutual friend and it was the perfect fit!
Meditation is a huge part of her daily yoga practice. Rebecca begins every day with meditation before her feet hit the floor and practices meditation throughout the day, sometimes for as much as an hour or just a quick 5 minute reset. Outside in nature is her favorite. Breathwork and meditation are of the essence.
Rebecca’s students learn to sit and quiet the mind on the mat, become mindful of their breath coming in and out, find some peace and movement along with fluidity of breath. This practice teaches mindfulness, self love and awareness along with fitness. She is proud of her students just for showing up on the mat. She incorporates breathwork, meditation and music with Tibetan bowls, chimes, a rain stick and a drum into every class.
“I believe anyone who works with children is a healer in their own right. I have always felt a special connection with children. I encourage my students, in addition to their yoga practice, to breathe, meditate, tap and find peace in the love of themselves. Being a healer for me means reaching my students through their heart. The love of my own mindfulness practices are shared with each student on an individual basis. Through my own journey of mindfulness practices I realized by sharing my practices I am healing others with knowledge and peace.”
Marc of Healing begins to heal Rebecca as soon as she walks through the door. The space allows for creativity in each childrens’ class, plenty of healing in the room for adult yoga and perfect lighting and zen for meditation and tapping. Every corner of MOH has an eclectic magical aura. Peace, healing, tranquility and love all wrapped in one building. “Who wouldn't want to practice at MOH!”
Rebecca Maderios
Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness for Children & Adults
Funny Farm Yoga
Children and Adult Yoga
Mindfulness, Meditation and Tapping
Pretzel Kids Yoga Certification
PK Mindfulness Certification
PK Teen and Tweens Certification
Rebecca has been married to her high school sweetheart for 29 years, blessed with 4 children and 3 and growing grandchildren. Rebecca has raised her family in Berkely on a small farm with retired horses.
Since 2018, Rebecca has been practicing yoga and meditation. Her journey began with some surgeries that landed me on the yoga mat for continued physical therapy. Her grandchildren loved spending time on the mat with her so naturally childrens’ yoga was her next step. After a few months outdoors on the farm teaching kids and establishing Funny Farm Yoga, she knew the rough weather was coming and was looking for her new home.
Marc of Healing fell into her lap through a mutual friend and it was the perfect fit!
Meditation is a huge part of her daily yoga practice. Rebecca begins every day with meditation before her feet hit the floor and practices meditation throughout the day, sometimes for as much as an hour or just a quick 5 minute reset. Outside in nature is her favorite. Breathwork and meditation are of the essence.
Rebecca’s students learn to sit and quiet the mind on the mat, become mindful of their breath coming in and out, find some peace and movement along with fluidity of breath. This practice teaches mindfulness, self love and awareness along with fitness. She is proud of her students just for showing up on the mat. She incorporates breathwork, meditation and music with Tibetan bowls, chimes, a rain stick and a drum into every class.
“I believe anyone who works with children is a healer in their own right. I have always felt a special connection with children. I encourage my students, in addition to their yoga practice, to breathe, meditate, tap and find peace in the love of themselves. Being a healer for me means reaching my students through their heart. The love of my own mindfulness practices are shared with each student on an individual basis. Through my own journey of mindfulness practices I realized by sharing my practices I am healing others with knowledge and peace.”
Marc of Healing begins to heal Rebecca as soon as she walks through the door. The space allows for creativity in each childrens’ class, plenty of healing in the room for adult yoga and perfect lighting and zen for meditation and tapping. Every corner of MOH has an eclectic magical aura. Peace, healing, tranquility and love all wrapped in one building. “Who wouldn't want to practice at MOH!”