Butterfly Room
Our “Butterfly Room” is welcome to all guests during business hours
to use this free space.
About the Butterfly Room
Antoinette “Twinnie” Hanoud, wanted to create a sacred space at Marc of Healing for people to feel welcomed to navigate the emotions of grief and loss. The Butterfly room is for reflecting, praying, meditation, talking, reading, crying, laughing, hugging and healing. It is a room to honor those looking down on us from heaven. There is a crystal prayer bowl that welcomes guests to leave their loved ones prayer cards, so that when Twinnie does her rosary or when a practitioner does healing, they send unconditional love and support.

A Message from Antoinette
“I always believed I was blessed with a great family and a wonderful life. My three children and grandson are my world. Once September 28th, 2019 my world stopped as I knew it, when I learned my son Marc was in a tragic boat accident in the Taunton River and he was not found until 4 days later. Along with such heartache while we searched, I also saw the love, compassion, and sincerity of a community helping to look for my son. I realized that with love comes healing. After his passing I could hear Marc say to me, “mom you have a job to do” and I kept replying “but I am retired”. I now know what he meant, my purpose has become to hold space for others experiencing loss. That’s how our “Butterfly Room” came to be. I welcome you to come and experience the love and compassion of this room.”